Will you please send us your price list or catalogue? 请把你们的价格表或目录寄给我们好吗?
We ask you kindly deliver us as soon as possible your latest price list of your sports shoes with the lowest quotations, together woth an illustrated catalogue. 请贵公司尽快汇寄运动鞋的最佳价目表和带有图片的商品目录,并给于最优惠的报价。
Our buyers asked for your price list or catalogue. 的买主想索求你方价格单或目录。
I'm sending you as attacment the FOB Shanghai price and catalogue you needed to you. 您需要的FOB上海价格及产品目录我作为发给你,请查收。
Participation Fee: Participant has to pay2% of the selling price as administration fee and catalogue printing on2 months before fair. 参展费:开展前2个月先付展品标价的2%,作为行政及宣传资料印刷费(不退还)。
The selling price of something as stated in a catalogue or price list. 在一览表上列出的商品的卖价。
A request for a price list or catalogue can be made in a single sentence. 索求价目表或者目录只需要用一句话即可。
All the models illustarted can be supplied from stock at competitive prices, shown on the price list inside the catalogue. 资料中所有的型号均可以相当有竞争力的价格供应现货,具体价格请参见目录中的价目表。
To start the ball rolling, we will provide you with price list, catalogue and some sample. 为了开展业务,我们会向贵方提供价格单、目录本和一些样品。
He further stated that China would continue to further its price reform, adjusting the catalogue subject to state pricing and further liberalize its pricing policies. 他进一步表示,中国将继续深化价格改革,调整国家定价目录,进一步放开价格政策。
He claimed 100 16S 0d, and explained: "I have been able to give the exact cost price in only seven of the items listed, and have estimated the rest on the basis of the army and Navy stores catalogue." 他总共报销了100镑16先令0便士,并解释道:“上述物品中只有7件我能够给出确切价格,剩余物品则根据军人消费合作社(armyandnavystores)的商品目录进行了估价。”
Note: the price listed in this catalogue is for the domestic market. 注:此目录中的定价为国内价格。
The winners of these awards are provided with a mix of price money, a production budget or opportunity for an exhibition and a catalogue. 获奖艺术家将得到奖金和制作费,并获得展览作品、出版画册的机会。
In order to show you the quality, we are enclosing sample, price list and illustrated catalogue for your reference. 为了向贵方说明我方产品的优点,随函附寄我方的样品,价目表及详细的目录供贵方参考。
Please provide us with price list and products catalogue in order to study the opportunity of assembling them here for the local market. 请提供价格表和产品目录以便我方研究是否有机会在本地市场上组装。
The price catalogue sent free on request. 一经要求可免费寄送价格目录表。
Please send us your price list and catalogue of lace curtain as advertised by you, with the lowest price and best term. 请惠寄在广告中所示带花边窗帘价目表、商品目录、以及最低价格、最优惠的交易条件。
The28-year-old big-bosom glamour model, whose real name is Katie Price, topped a poll commissioned by mail order catalogue Grattan. 在一项由格兰顿邮购产品目录委托开展的民意调查中,这位真名为凯蒂·普莱斯的28岁性感“巨波”模特荣登榜首。
It sounds convincing, but isn't the price marked in your catalogue much higher than that of competing products? 的确有道理,但是你们目录上标的价格是否比同类产品高得太多?
The enclosed price list and illustrated catalogue will provide the detailed information on the products you are interested. 所附价目表和图解目录将提供给你有关你方最感兴趣的型号的详细情况。
For your reference, we are enclosing a copy of our latest price list giving CIF San Francisco prices together with an illustrated catalogue. 随函附上一份列有CIF旧金山价的最新价目单以及一份有插图的产品目录,供你们参考。
The implement of the price catalogue software for photovoltaic water pumping system under Windows 3.1 environment Windows环境下光伏水泵报价系统的实现
The method is also applied to other engineering price catalogue problem. 该方法对其它工程报价问题也具借鉴意义。